Knowledge is knowledge

Why the Big Data is very famous topic these days?

These days Big Data? is a very famous topic of discussion in the technical field.

In past we have data but we don't have sufficient technologies to deal with them so it is not so famous but at present, we have technologies like Hadoop and also we have high computation power which is the measure reason because of the world is looking towards this field with these technologies.

at present we are generating a huge amount of data from various sources like mobile phones, the internet, street cameras, etc. and many big companies realized the importance of data many years ago so they started to store the data due to this at present we have in result huge amount of data already stored and also data coming from different sources this huge amount of data is known as Big Data.

this huge amount of data is analyzed and hidden features of them and the trends are identified and used for the development of business, games, society, etc . for example Once a  company used recorded videos of several matches of basketball games and they analyzed them and they found the places in the ground from where the chances of scoring well are very large and then they improve their team performance on the basis of this and score very great scores in the further games.

So we can see from the above example that the analysis of data, results in making a very great difference

Hence this is the main reason why Big Data is a very famous topic these days. The big companies working in this field realized the importance of data or Big data and they are working in this field to extract useful insights from this so everyone with time feals the importance of data and hence it's a very famous topic.

also, skilled people are needed in this job and demand of these people are much so this is also a very important point which made the Big Data a trending topic.


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