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How to focus Mind?

How to focus Mind?

How to focus many people ask when they want to focus on a certain task and they are unable to do it in their mind many things are going and so they are not able to think properly to and be focussed on the work they are doing.

The measure reason because of which people are unable to focus on a certain task is because they have many tasks to do and they are unable to think which task to do first or they want to do another task but some another task is necessary to be done first.

The simple solution to this problem is to try to be selective don't overload yourself be chosen only those tasks which are necessary for you and try to decrease the number of them to a minimum which you can handle easily and try to finish them on time and whenever you are going to start a task note your time and assign 1hr more than the required time and be cool take a long breath and start finishing it do a single time in a single time and remove all distractions which can diverge your mind. Because our mind is able to do a single task in a single time effectively it is not suitable for multitasking. try to do things with a cool mindset because scientists said our brain performs better when we are cool. 


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