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Common mistakes every jee mains aspirant makes

Common mistakes every jee mains aspirant makes

Today we discuss some common mistakes which I think every JEE Mains aspirant makes during his or her preparation ( Note: I write everything from my experience of JEE Mains ).

1. Approx every JEE Mains aspirant during his or her preparation thinks about first completing the jee syllabus fast and practice and revision are done after this and so they rush their syllabus without revision and practice of questions. Some finish this and some of them have approx 90% time spent in this and in the end, they have not enough time to revise things and practice questions and even then they are unable to solve previous year questions. and those who finished the syllabus in time maximum from them don't like to revise everything because of the huge syllabus if we even think about it then it feels like a big burden and we leave some topics and the problem started.

2. Another similar type of mistake the aspirants make is they go in the depth of topics more than the required for jee, going depth of concepts is a good practice, but when you have limited time then we say it is like wasting time or poor utilization of time So try to do only required topics in the required depth. Be selective in nature.

3. Some JEE Aspirants are okay with time management also there determination is exelent and they give more than the required time to their preparation but they don't get satisfactory results . from my thinking the mistake by them is that they give time and they read all the things but they don't grasp it they just passed and read those concepts and so they forget about concepts and unable to link them to different concepts etc . so whenever you read a topic then try to completely understand it and try to use them and also try to look applications in real life it helps you to remember things.

4. The golden rule of preparation is Revision but most JEE aspirants do not revise concepts or are unable to revise due to large syllabus, the mistake they do is that thy think to revise full syllabus at the time of the exam or the whole syllabus together I think it is not possible if you are not revising things regularly. try to add revision in your habit of preparation the revision is more important than your practice I think because the practice of questions is done for clearing and applying the concepts if you remember your concepts then it happens automatically it's my personal experience.

5.The other point I want to add is to try to read NCERT because these books are very important, many of us read them in our schools so it's easy to revise the syllabus from NCERT and from my experience approx 80% or more concepts are from NCERT.

6. After completing the syllabus(approx 60 -70% )  and  Revising NCERT the most important thing is to take tests and analyzing them and making a good strategy to attend exam to score best as you can depending on the paper level and type of questions.

The best strategy can give you the best results than your expectation in your worst condition. So make a good strategy for the exam you can refer to my strategy at My strategy of jee mains

Note: Previous year's papers are a combined solution for building concepts and practice also for revision so don't forget about them try to solve them from the start of your preparation as a real 3hr test.

If you have any doubts then you can ask in the comment section. 


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