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Programing language for data science

Programing language for data science 

The one line answer of the question is depends on the work you want to do each language have its own strength and weaknesses and there is no one answer to the question, depends largely on needs, the problem you are solving, and for who you are solving but the most common languages in the field of data science as per my knowledge and also to start with are Python, R, and SQL.

Python is very famous because it is easy and a large no of things you can do with a little code and its syntax is also easy to read and many more. The language's array-oriented syntax of R makes it easy to translate from math to code this language is used especially by statisticians,mathematicians data analysts etc. and SQL is a language to deal with structured data effectively. 
But there are also some more with their own strengths and weaknesses the most popular of them are Scala , Java C++, and Julia. Javascript, PHP, Go, Ruby, and Visual Basics all have their own use cases. 
The language you use also depends on the company in which you are working and the project you are assigned.

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