Knowledge is knowledge

Strategy to attend JEE Mains exam

 Strategy to attend JEE Mains exam

we all know that only knowledge does not matter in the jee mains examination the strategy of attending paper and time management affects a lot to the result a good strategy to attend paper can boost your scores so let's begin with the strategy which is my own strategy to attend jee mains exam it gives me a very better result on my performance in jee mains.

First 30min of exam

In the jee mains exam the easiest section is chemistry if you know a little about it in the starting give approx 30 min or less to chemistry read all questions of one or two lines most probably if the paper is of the medium category you are able to attend at least 70-80% of the chemistry section in the starting 30 mins (after reading and solving one or two-line questions you can go for the bigger one if you have time left in first 30 mins).

Next 30mins of the exam

For the next 30mins of the exam go for physics and read one or two lines questions first in these 30 mins your target is to attend 10 questions from physics section if you are done with attending the 10 questions early attend more but try to attend at least 10 questions from physics section in this 30 mins don't forget to read smaller questions first (one or two lines don't go for the bigger one if it seems easy then go for it after reading all smaller ones in physics section).

Next 1 hour 

In this hour go for the math section and attend all questions line-wise if you know how to solve leave the question for time if you have doubt or it seems difficult to attend them after you go from the whole math section try to finish all math sections in one hour 

The last hour first 30 mins

In this time go for the physics section again and attend all the remaining questions of physics you know where is the question which topic try to solve the question of the topic on which you have more knowledge or your strong topics once you have finished all questions you know then go for the next 30 mins

The last 30 mins

Go for the chemistry section attend all remaining questions it does not take much time because you attended most of them before after attending them consider the whole paper and go for the questions you have doubt on the answers or the questions which are left etc basically examine your paper and you are finished with the exam.

Benefits are able to go for the all-easy questions from the whole paper. utilize your time effectively in the whole exam.

3.Sometimes attending the same section for a large time our brain grows slow and we feel sleepy by switching between sections your brain remains active throughout the exam. get the best output from your exam if you follow it strictly (some changes are allowed according to the paper but not large).

5.There are many more you can think about them.


Try to attend at least 10 previous year question papers with this strategy and analyze them in starting you feal trouble but after 3-4 papers you are able to see the result.


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