Knowledge is knowledge

How to deal with JEE Physics?

How to deal with JEE Physics?

I feel from my experience that many jee aspirants feel difficulty in physics subject some have difficulty to understand some concepts and some have problems with solving questions in exam so today I want to discuss how to think while reading and solving questions of physics.

Whenever you are going to study physics then first be ready and be cool made your mind blank mean don't think about other things and then start thinking in steps to approach the answer you want. First try to understand the problem you have and what you have to do it's a common thing, to know what you have to do and what is asked but I feel many of the students start solving the question without properly understanding the question, and this results in the wrong answers. So first understand the problem and then try to think about what concept is related to the question and how you apply them to the question find a starting point and then move forward in each step you have to think more than you write because the whole jee exam is to check your mental ability so you have to think in a structured way. Many Students think less and do more so, in reality, they don't know what are they doing and so they feel they are doing but it is tuff they leave it then . so once you have understood the problem and know-how and which concept you have to apply then apply and with a cool mind solve the problem with steps in mind and do everything after thinking don't think after doing.

So the conclusion in one line is 

You have to think before doing.

you can ask your doubts in the comment section


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