Knowledge is knowledge

Can you feel it... when you are sleeping?

 Can you feel it... when you are sleeping?

When we are tired and go to sleep and we don't see any dream then we suddenly get up with gaining our strength again (the condition is there is no disturbance and we are able to sleep till we want) we are unable to feal the time which is going on when we are sleeping its just 5-10mis for us but in reality, some hours are passed and sometimes it seems strange. 

How such a huge time is gone when I am sleeping? And why for me it's just like some minutes? 

This question comes to my mind when I think about it. and suddenly the next question is.  

What is going on when we are sleeping and not dreaming?

it's right that our body is in the condition of rest for a long time so we don't feel tiredness when we wake up but, 

How such a huge time is gone and we are not able to feel it? on thinking about this question and its answer I come to a conclusion which is

It's the condition of death for our mind!

It seems very strange 

But think whenever we listen about the death of someone then what are the reason for them they may be accidental, suicide, due to some medical problem, etc. But the common point in all these cases is that in every case some organ (basically some part of the body ) get damaged and the body is unable to function more so that human is unable to think and becomes unconscious and unable to return from this unconscious stage to the normal stage of life. Because the body is needed for the normal stage of life.

extending the above point consider a different case which is when some person is in comma then he or she becomes unconscious but his or her body is totally fine but he or she is unable to come in the normal stage of life by his choice or environment conditions or after normal time of sleep. the person sometimes listens and sees but unable to respond by his choice. this condition seems like when we are sleeping.

So we can say when we are going to sleep our brain put us in a stage which is common to death and the involuntary system of the body (we can say it as the body machine repairs it ) remains working to make our body well for the returning in the normal stage of life from the unconscious stage.

here I say the Death is the condition in which our brain and body become non-functional and we are in the condition of unconsciousness.

I know some of you are thinking then, What is the condition of unconsciousness?

So I define unconsciousness as the condition in which we are unable to think and move our body. ( remember thinking relies on different conditions like environment, memory, and also body condition I try to explain it my words on some other day. )

Think if someone is not able to think and move his or her body and body parts but body organs like hurt etc are working then what you say about this.

and modifying the above think if body organs are also not working then what u say.

So we concluded from the above decision that when we go to sleep then we feel death if we are not dreaming also we can say dreaming makes sense when we are not properly sleeping this stage of dreaming is coming before the stage of sleeping properly or we are in half sleep when we are dreaming.

So we concluded from the above discussion that we can feel the Death while we are sleeping.


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