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A Strange phenomena

 A Strange phenomena

The blue light after meditation: If you like to meditate then you may be observed that if you meditate for a long time continuously like approx 30 to 45 minutes or more and after this, if you cover your both eyes without opening with your palms and try to see in front of eyes (towards the eyelids with closed eyes) for some minutes then you see a bluish light (normally if you try to do this in sunlight then you see an orange light ).

if you continue looking at this blue light then you feel like you are floating in the space.

In a scientific way we can explain it as due to meditation there is an increase in the flow of energy in the body and also near your eyes so this blue light is someway you can say as the light intensity generated near the retina. and seems blue light corresponds to a higher frequency so we can say that the energy generated during the process is enough to generate frequency in the blue light region of the electromagnetic wave spectra.

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