Knowledge is knowledge

Who can become a data scientist?

There are many people who have doubts that who can become a data scientist what are the qualifications needed to become a data scientist like, skills, traits and all so its clear that data science is not a field like medical and engineering or like computer engineer, etc it is not like that to think in childhood that I want to become a data scientist or I want to do something in the field of data science.

5-6 years back there was no name like data science or no one knew about data science and anything like that it is an emerging field now and anyone who is working in it or measure of them have jumped in this field automatically with time or realized with time that they are interested in this field and want to do further work in this field so they are doing that many of them are from different background like statistics, art, science field, some are musicians or others who are initially tried to work in different fields and with time they realized that they are interested and want to make their career in this field.

So from the above discussion, we can say that there is not a fixed field or qualifications required to be a data scientist the only thing matters is your interest in this field, and also first you should know what is this field and why it is so famous now.

Further, if you are interested in this field and want to work in this field then certain qualities are required to be a data scientist you can read about them further here - Qualities needed of a data scientist 


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