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What is Big Data? and its v's


What is Big Data?

What is Big Data it is a very famous question in 2021. So what is it? On a daily basis there is a vast amount of data produced by us it is coming from various sources for example mobile phones, YouTube, google search, social media like Facebook, Instagram, sensors information, security cameras, sports data, etc. all this data is very large such that it is very difficult to handle with traditional technics.There's even a name for it: Big Data. By Ernst and Young big data is defined as : 

"Big Data refers to the dynamic, large and
disparate volumes of data being created by people, tools, and machines.
It requires new, innovative, and scalable technology to collect, host, and analytically
process the vast amount of data gathered in order to derive real-time business insights
that relate to consumers, risk, profit, performance, productivity management, and enhanced shareholder

What are 5 Vs of Big Data?

We have no fixed definition of big data but in all cases, certain elements are common such as velocity, volume, variety, veracity, and value. These are known as Vs of Big Data.

What is the Velocity of Big Data?: The velocity of big data is the speed at which data accumulates is known as the velocity of big data. Data is generated at a large speed in each second in a process that has no end in the entire world in different forms for example YouTube each action on the internet or in front of a camera generates data so you can think how large is the world and how much population it has and maximum peoples at this time are using digital devices and plays roll in data generation.

What is Volume of Big Data? : Volume of Big data is the scale by which data is generating or in the increase in the data stored. It is one of the most important v's of big data because volume is a term nearly related to big data sometimes the big data is defined on the basis of how much volume it has. At present time we can store a huge amount of data in small chips which leads us to the capability of storing such a huge amount of data which leads to the term big data.

What is the Variety of Big Data?: Variety of Big Data is the diversity of data like structured data in the form of tables in rows and columns in relational databases and unstructured data which is not organized in an organized way like in the form of emails social media, YouTube video's, blogs, business decision etc. it also reflects data from different sources like mobiles phones, machines, video, processes, security cameras, etc.

What is Veracity of Big Data ?: Veracity is is the quality and origin of data and its conformity to facts and accuracy. Attributes include consistency, completeness, integrity, and ambiguity. Today we have a huge amount of data so it's a common question to ask whether the data is true, false and accurate, or not etc, But since the data is huge so we face trouble in struggling with them. And time to time modifications is made to deal with the problem.

What is the Value of Big Data?: Value of Big Data is the ability and need to turn data into the value it does not just profit or loss it is in any form like medical and social value which gives benefit to the customer. most of the time data scientists are dealing with data to extract value from them. It's a common answer if we have no value or benefit from the data then we are not dealing with this so the most important point we have discussed is we deal with data because we want to extract value from data. 


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