Knowledge is knowledge

The doted structure in the air ( The Eye floaters )

The doted structure in the air ( The Eye  floaters )

Today I am going to discuss a very interesting question which comes to mind of every curious people when they look near a light source or a white wall and he or she suddenly found a dotted figure floating in the air this is a colorless dotted structure floating in the air which you can see anywhere but easy to see near an area with proper light and white background I observe this structure when I am in my 9th class and try to find the answer but on 12 July 2021. I am searching for my blog and suddenly I remember about this so I try to find the answer on google and I get the answer so for those who also want to know and are unable to get the answer for them.

What is the doted floating structure which you find everywhere?

So, these structures are known as the Floaters. These are the tiny specks that are found in your field of vision whenever you look towards a light-colored area( like the sky or wight wall) 
They are created when tiny clumps form in the vitreous humor ( a clear, jelly-like substance inside the eyeball ). Eye floaters are suspended in the jelly-like substance inside the eyeball so whenever the eyeball moves these floaters move. They disappear if you try to see them directly.

They are normal and harmless but a sudden increase in the number of them indicate the damage to the particular structure of the eye and needs professionals attention


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